Monday, April 6, 2009

Model United Nations 2009

For more than eight Saturdays, four of our Grade 10 students (Left to right Melikian Asdghig, Andekian Christine, Avedanian Hrag & Barsoumian Barig) participated in a program called Model UN.  One of the final highlights was the Global Village which took place on Sat. 4/4/09.  The country our students presented was Papua New Guinea.  On Sun. 5/4/09 and during the closing ceremonony Hrag Avedanian, our school's head delgate was awarded with the BEST DIPLOMACY AWARD.  We congratulate Hrag and the rest of the group for their hard work.


Maria said...

Congratulations to all four of you. We would love to hear and read more about your experience with the Model UN.

Badveli Nishan and Digin Maria Bakalian


its hrag and i wish the best for our school.
i like the picture at the gobal village especially the BOY in the
may God bless this school and everyone in it.

Barig Barsoumian said...

We Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Bakalians. It was an owsome programe that made us feel more confident, more responsible and it made us to think of and be the best we can. MUN... Model United Nations, 7 consequetive training sessions' weeks, students from whole lebanese schools 10th and 11th graders only, freedom in participating, learning the rules of MUN: public speaking, negotiating, caucusing, writing position papers, draft resolutions and everything related to UN conferences... and the best part of all, the AWARDS. It was our chance to prepare and present the country of PAPUA NEW GUINEA, by it's culture, traditions, and much more informations about the country during the global village, where each school presented it's own country. We shared the 4 committiees within each other: GA1, UNHCR, UNHRC, IAEA. Each deligate had 2 topics to present in the final conferences. Returning to the awards, Hrag Avedanian won the Best Diplomacy Award. While 3 of us are going to get awards by participating the next year. If you want more informations about this programe you can visit the official website:


thank you badveli nishan and digin maria bakalian for your support towards our wonderful my fellow college barig barsoumian said or actually wrote this programme was a non-forgetable experiance. to tell the truth im actually sad that i won the award because the delegates who won awards can not participate again next year,but i wish the best to my fellow colleges to win other awards too.
this programme is what the leaders of lebanon need. during this sessions we set beside students of different relegion, of different points of views and different beleives, but still we respected each other. in my class i had lebanese, syrian, armenian, canadian, palestinian, american, italian and even apghazian delegates, we actually were a model united nations and we allways negotiated peacefully always saying NO TO RACISM. there was a girl whose dream was to travel to turkey, but still all the armenians respected her dream , and now i am very good friends with that same girl. this experience was a fantastic way to say NO TO RACISM.
thank you and may GOD bless everyone.